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God has been working in my life…

Many of you have faithfully “followed me” over the last couple of years and are aware of the pain my family and I have experienced.  In fact, if it hadn’t been for your prayers, your support, and especially for the grace of God, we would never have made it through.  God has replaced potential devastation with a season of healing and equipping. I’m experiencing a new level of freedom and confidence, and a deep sense of purpose and joy!  I am in awe of God’s goodness to me…to all of us, really.  And now, I am ready to push up my sleeves and get back to work!


God has called me back to leadership development with YWAM-He has brought me full circle and recommissioned me as a YWAM missionary. I have been invited to join a team of “disciples who make disciples” at the University of the Nations at the YWAM base in Kona, Hawaii.  My daughter, Eva, and I Leave Oregon on April 3, 2017!


Initially we will have a two-fold purpose:  First, we plan on taking the 3 month Word by Heart school for further training in preparation for our ministry.  Second,  I will immediately join the new End Bible Poverty Now leadership team to plan and prepare for our students who  will arrive in July.  End Bible Poverty now training will equip leaders from all around the world with strategies such as:

  • Going into the Bible-less people groups and recording oral translations of God’s word using some cutting edge methods.

  • Multiplying the Jesus Film into these newly translated languages.

  • Networking globally to get Bibles into every home.

  • Teaching leaders to use their God designed strengths and callings to influence the 7 key spheres of society: Family, Media, Government, Economics, Religion, Education, and Celebration.-(On a personal note, one thing that excites me is that we will still get to use our gifts for worship and ministering through music!)

By the end of 2017, YWAM intends to multiply that training to different geopolitical regions of the world.  I have learned that we will most likely be on one of the teams that will be making disciples in other nations so we plan to travel light.


God can use you in this vital ministry as well! I believe God has equipped us for this ministry but we cannot fulfill it alone. Just like any other missionary, we need a team of people to pray and give generously towards this ministry. I am hoping to raise a team of monthly support ($2,000 a month) during the first phase in Kona. (I realize that doesn’t leave much time, but my God is big and always faithful!!)


Would you become part of my monthly support team by responding to this email? I will contact you in the coming weeks to answer any questions you may have. We can even do coffee if you are around so that I can fill you in on more of the details!  Thanks in advance for your generosity! (I am in the process of setting up links for giving that allow you to receive tax deductible receipts for your donations. 

If you don’t want to wait and don’t need a tax deductible receipt my Paypal account is the same as my email: and my address is: 1164 NE 14th Place, Canby, OR 97013.  Phone number is: 808-494-2341.  Call if you have any questions or want to get together!


Serving Jesus,

Brenda Flory (and Eva)

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